This is a story that is effectively a disillusionment plot that starts with the characters already disillusioned. It centers around two fairly angry, troubled, and cynical young guys named MARCUS and TODD. Although on the surface they appear as distant or simply jerks, their real problem lies with the small town that they live in and how their more sensitive natures can’t be reconciled to an environment that only cares about living from paycheck to paycheck and what the weekend’s entertainments are. They are looking to get away, even if they don’t have a surefire plan on how to survive somewhere in else. In the end, their actions throughout the story come to force them to make choices about what to do with their outlook and lives.
The action of the story takes place throughout a day wandering in and out of town following the two as they meet with various side characters and talk about moving away.
We learn right at the beginning that MARCUS, although a gifted artist (painter) has no outlet to express himself, and as a result is upset and disheartened by the inability for the people around him to appreciate what he can do. On top of all this, he’s quit his job and has only a little money left and no desire to find more work. TODD, on the other hand, is simply bored. He talks about traveling and learning about other places and people, but he’s realized that there’s very little interest in that sort of thing in town, aside from MARCUS’ sympathetic ear. He still lives with his parents, and he wants to move away. His only way out is his car, but it’s in bad shape and he can’t afford to fix it. Although he’s not the type of person to intentionally cause a scene, he’s not one to back down for a conflict, especially something that will break the monotony of things.
The story opens on a calm summer afternoon and the duo are walking on a path on a hill, talking about recent events in their lives and how they’re getting fed up with the current order of things. We learn that they are going to visit their friend DREW, who manages a local convenience store, and make plans for the evening. MARCUS has a few small paintings on canvas that he’s carrying with him to show DREW. Todd has only his backpack.
As they cross a street while getting closer to downtown, a beat-up pickup truck ROARs past them, with one of the passengers tossing out a beer bottle, nearly hitting TODD. Todd, angry, quickly picks up the bottle and tries to throw it at the truck, missing by a few feet, the bottle shattering in the street instead. The truck slows and then pulls a U-turn further down the street. MARCUS stops TODD and starts to prod him down a side street, but it’s too late. The driver drives back and swerves over into the lane close to the pair and leans out the window to yell at them. TODD starts towards the truck, but MARCUS pushes him away, saying “it’s not worth it”, and the two leave, ignoring the enraged driver and passengers.
Further on, another car pulls up next to them and the characters see that it’s one of the few decent people that they know – DAVE. A friend from high school, DAVE is one of those people that just seem to get stuck in town and never do anything interesting, but he’s a nice guy, as TODD would put it. DAVE offers them a ride to the store. While in the car, MARCUS starts asking DAVE why he stays ‘here’ and TODD starts in on the discussion too, each trying to figure out what exactly it is that keeps people in town. DAVE drops them off at the store, leaving them feeling a little less agitated, but still disenchanted with the way things are.
Inside the store, DREW welcomes them, and as soon as he’s done serving customers, MARCUS shows off his artwork, with DREW asking why he doesn’t do something with it. They all discuss it for a bit, with MARCUS’s bias against the town playing into it. DREW mentions how he’d like to get away, but just can’t see how to at the moment. They all reluctantly assent to this, as they’ve talked about it before, although not as seriously. They continue to hang out at the store for a little bit longer and watch the townsfolk. They throw around some ideas of what they’re going to do that night until the phone rings and DREW answers it. It’s for TODD, with his mother on the line asking him to go to the bank to run an errand. He agrees and leaves the store for the bank.
TODD arrives at the bank and sees a long line, and that the bank is hot and stuffy. Time passes and he starts to get a little uneasy, but keeps to himself. Gradually, the line grows behind him and he moves up it, catching bits and pieces of conversations around him. They start off slow and banal, but as he hears more and more small talk and filler conversation, he starts to feel distraught. He doesn’t notice that it’s his turn in line and when someone behind him makes a rude comment, it’s the last straw. He turns and tells off the person behind him and yells at the people around him and walks out, business unfinished.
Meanwhile, MARCUS has asked to use the bathroom and DREW has told him he can leave his stuff next to a display counter where it will be safe. At this point, a couple of locals walk in, looking to shoplift, but with nothing particular in mind. DREW tried to keep his eye on them, but is distracted by an uptight customer complaining about cigarettes. Sure enough, the locals see MARCUS’s stuff and the one tells the other to cause a distraction while he takes the paintings. They do so, but DREW notices the one trying to hide the paintings under his jacket as he leaves, but is still dealing with the customer. MARCUS walks out of the bathroom, eyes the thief’s partner who is eyeing DREW; he looks over to where his paintings were, back at the partner, and they pause.
Outside, the weather is starting to get worse (muggier, more windy), and TODD is walking back, trying to recover from his outburst. He sees the thief come out of the store down the sidewalk, but takes no notice.
Inside, DREW leaps over the counter and tells MARCUS to get the partner and he rushes outside.
Outside, TODD sees the thief start to run down the street in his direction and then sees DREW in pursuit. TODD grabs the guy as he passes and throws him to the ground and the paintings go flying.
Inside, the thief’s partner breaks away from MARCUS and runs out after his friend.
Outside, a fight breaks loose, and in the process, one or two of the paintings get run over. MARCUS rushes out, sees this, and grabs a nearby object and beats one of the thieves with it. DREW and TODD manage to subdue the other person and turn to see MARCUS still beating on the now unconscious and bleeding thief. They move to stop him, but he stops and stares at them instead. DREW tells them to help get the thieves to the store and that they should get away from there quickly.
Later on, the two are walking back up the hill; MARCUS trying hard to control his emotions, and TODD determined to get to his house. They say little except that they need to get out of town. They get to TODD’s house and he manages to start the car, but instead of driving rests his head against it. He looks up at MARCUS and MARCUS stares back.