In all this life of substance and other things I can't help but think what is this all to come, where is it all to b? Why can't it all be self-contained, wanting, nno dsire but a way to reach whatever the fullest extent may be?
Life only starts and realization is always there to let you know you're not alone and that none of this is new, but then again, the experience is always there to let you know something awaits. If it is to be something else, then so be it, but what to do with this life before death? We scurry around, but really, it's all an eventuality before death sets in. This isn't. Some obscure, depressive, metaphorical discussion, but merely a reminder, a reality check to set things in motion. The stagnation isn't nearly as stale or stagnant as you or I would think, yet there is stasis. The stasis isn't what's important, it's the gravitational, the inertial, the constant.
It's really a wonder, really, how any of this all came around. I can't think of a day that goes by when I don't marvel at the simplest, little thing. Like the cracks in a sidewalk. The infrastructure. How it all teeters in the balance. No matter what the situation, there's always adaptation, but in a very narrow band. Life teeters in the balance. Or does it?
You must learn to think only to forget to think, and only then will it be complete, or at least sanity be ensured in som frail security. But thinking makes it so.
Well, that's the first one. We'll see if more are to come.