That's all my loot, yo! So, let's run through the list. See if you can spot them all!
-a niiice set of laquered chopsticks (made in Tokyo!)
-the Official Iron Chef book!!
-a Decepticon head poster
-the new Calvin & Hobbes Sunday Pages exhibition book
-a new hoody! (dragon)
-pants, boxers, clothes, yadda...
-a bar glass w/ certificates!
-the Dragon Reborn
-Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: Director's Cut
-a bigass toolkit
-a 40gig 7200 rpm drive
-more chocolate
-a bag of completely useless shit (from our random draw thing...)
-a mind-breaking little puzzle maze thing
-coin set from the year of my birth (81)
-card w/ 60 bucks
-check for 50 bucks
Man... I got a lot of shit this Christmas.....